I. Upon joining the group you are required to participate in a "hunt". Refusing to do so will have you disemboweled by the blooded ones.
- *"The Hunt" is a gathering where you are set out in a chosen area where you will be free to go and victimize as many as you possibly can. However, you will not be alone. Keep an eye on the prize, well as your back.  

II. Once the "hunt" is complete you are released into the coven. You are free to add your mentor and request role-playing and that mentor is to acquiesce your request. You may go on a life of solitude among the rest of the cult, or you may be-friend other. 
- *Always remember you are safer in numbers. Create alliances. You'd be surprised how many are like you.

III. You will kill when you are told to kill. Refusing to do so will result in torture and punishment and in severe cases, exile.
-* Exile is an indirect death sentence heed at your own will.

IV. Speaking ill of your fellow community members will have you sent to the Inquisitor for punishment of their choice and by their subordinates.

I.When approaching members of the lead circle one must show their formals submission and respect. Failing to do so will have you scolded and humiliated until you learn, and upon the mood of (Insert name), torture.

II. You are but skin, flesh and bone to your superiors. You must prove yourself in the eyes of them that you are both brain and strength.

III. You are a pawn to the creed, you obey without question. You are under the protection of (Insert name), by blood you owe your duty.

IV. You represent the community, (Insert Name)'s blood is your temple, the blood of the non-worthy will be spilled by your hands. Silent are the disciplined.

I. If someone has made threats against you, it is by the Creed - that the Deditionem be rid of the threat -- permanently.

II. Discipline will be given to those who step out of their line, and those who act like fresh meat will be tossed to the wolves.

III. Failure to be accounted for will degrade respect for your presence in the community. This group is a commitment, not for secondary characters.


I. As for activity, I expect to see everyone online when I come online, to an extent. Unless given direct notice of absences, and having that notice accepted, you are to abide. This means on your character in the group. We do not have time for those who are not interested in the group and its activities.

II. There is absolutely, positively, no reason for wolf-speak. Wolf-speak is a scourge upon literacy and is highly frowned upon by our standards. Plus were are humans you ass-hat. You want to get better at role-play? Read. Read books. It will improve your sentence structure and vocabulary. I do not tolerate improper use of words and sentence structure, doing so will have you reminded not to use words that don't exist or are used in the completely wrong context.

III. There is no limit on swearing, bantering, or anything of the like. I encourage freedom of speech, there will be no censoring in the group. Offensive words welcome, defensive people out.

IV. Sexual content to be kept at a minimum for the sake of our own pleasures. Whether it is consensual or not, keep it to a minimum and move detailed sections to whisper. If someone does not want to hear about your itchy genitals -- leave it at that .

V. If you are not on your character and you treat us like we are a secondary pack to you then you will find it very hard to accepted into role-plays, or you may be placed as an slave at everyone mercy.

VI. Most punishments will happen in character for sake of role-play and development. Should a code or rule be broken. You are flesh to us, and by blood you are less disposable.

VII. Mini characters are not permitted, full-grown characters are. Just because you're female does not mean you have to be a quarter the size of a full grown male. We are human beings, we are big creatures, our males AND females. We respect that, so should you, and accept the advantages and disadvantages you will have against someone bigger than you. More so consider your disadvantages, we only like slaves if they're supposed to be slaves.

VIII. Second characters are permitted. However, these characters are only to be permitted if, and only if you are active on both characters. Characters that aren't active are equivalent to those whom don't come online regularly and will be removed from the group indefinitely and you will loose your ability to have a second character.