*Higher Tiers our open for audition. List of Inquires and requirements are to be submitted prior to tier                                                                                being given. *

                      The Lead Circle

                                                                                      The Lord

                                           The Reaper                     The Bandit                     The Punisher

                    The Corpses of Verdict  

The COV are made up of six forces of the Deditionem, forces who have proven their worth and are devoted. These  beings as part of a higher authority. These sapiens are the most reliable hit-team known. 

____________         ____________        ____________      _____________      _____________    ____________

            * Please note: listed disorders are examples of what each class is categorized by severity. These are examples you may pick from, or you may choose another, however as listed the list goes from most extreme to      less extreme. REMINDER: Limit how many disorders you have, the maximum of 2-3 is permitted. *
                                                                                           Mortal Combat

Those whom fall under the Mortal Combat class are the beings who have proven their ability to be gruesome and sloppy. These beings are the basic messy killers who leave a trace behind; their own special mark. However, even they become a target if they catch the wrong attention.

- C a n n i b a l i s t i c
- S c h i z o p h r e n i a
- S c h i z o t y p a l  P e r s o n a l i t y  D i s o r d e r
- F i b r o m y a l g i a 
- C l i n i c a l  V a m p r i s m


The main Blood-suckers are those who excel at the art of capture the pig and skin it. They aren't a force to be reckoned with. Most stay clear of these beings for if they capture you, who knows what will happen next. They are those whom determine your fate as a slave or as a next entertainment etc.. Calmer class members commonly just enjoy bringing pain to the world through self-satisfaction. 

- W i n d i g o  P s y c h o s i s
- P s y c h o t i c  
- S a d i s t i c 

The seekers are those who do not find their gratification in the art of blood but rather words. Though they may not bring physical harm to you, they will bring mental torture your way. However, their mentality check may be worse then yours will ever be even when they're done with you. Their sick twisted mind will bring horror to yours. They also seek higher power in the divinity of blood and mentality. May their thoughts be with you.

- C a p g r a s  D e l u s i o n/ S y n d r o m e 
- C o t a r d  D e l u s i o n 
- F r e g o l i  D e l u s i o n
- S t o c k h o l m  S y n d r o m e

                                                                                         The Satanist

The disciples of  (Insert name here) They push to spread the unholy word of (Insert name here) and enforce debts to be paid through pain and gore. During the day, they run the slave-trade organization under the rule of (Insert name here). During the night, they send their calls to their highest power and bring havoc among the world, destroying, stealing, drug addicts, vandalizing all they can, and leaving their mark to be feared. 

- M u n c h a u s e n s  S y n d r o m e
- D e l u s i o n  a l   D i s o r d e r
- S h a r e d  P s y c h o t i c  D i s o r d e r


Death creatures are those that bring death to all life near them. These beings are more sane in the mind, however, this batch are the most whom struggle. They struggle with themselves more then they struggle with the outside world. No matter how hard they try, death seems to always follow. 

- D e p r e s s i o n / A n x i e t y
- N a r c i s s i s t i c  p e r s o n a l i t y  d i s o r d e r
- H y s t e r i a
- T o d d   S y n d r o m e
- S t e n d h a l  S y n d r o m e

                       THE BULAVARD

                       The Non-Worthy


Pets are those humans whom have been captured and were denoting as a thing that one devotes special attention to or feels particularly strongly about. These beings are trained to be domestic followers of a certain owner that had either caught or bought or was given to them. They to obey only their owner, as destruction or punishment will be given if disobedient. 

Slaves are property of another, whom are forced to obey. They obey the mass upper class, consisting their owner(s), or formal guests of those owners. Commonly traded and easily used as gifts of respect and sportsmanship or relationship among each other. Their servitude itself demands respect, however, they are nothing more then a victim of our despise.